this is a small instruction to ssp for my implementation of "scissor stone paper".
this my contribution to the 10linercontest 2019 in the category pur80 for the platform vic20.
...and here I present the version "scissor stone paper lizard spock" for the vic20. the basic code fits into the pur120 category.
this is a small instruction to ssp for my implementation of "scissor stone paper".
this was the first basic v2 program I wrote after years. thanks to maik for pointing out gunnar kanold's basic10linercontest.
this my contribution to the 10linercontest 2019 in the category pur120 for the platform c64. the winner's evaluation had to be rewritten due to the lack of space.
this is a small instruction to ssp on the commodore 264 series.
the pur80 version of ssp for the commdore 264 series.
the pur120 version of sspes for the commdore 264 series.
this is a small instruction to ssp on the commodore 128.
ssp pur80 for the c128
sspes pur120 for the c128